Something is Wrong

Every parent of a teenager experiences some level of frustration, but when it starts to keep you up at night, you know something is wrong. 

Perhaps you’ve caught your teen drinking, smoking, or engaging in risky behaviors. You might be concerned because you see signs of depression, anxiety, or irritability and don’t know what to do about it. 

Most parents worry about how their teenager will turn out and feel powerless to help. After all, we can’t watch them 24/7.

Have you said the following to yourself?

  • My teen doesn’t listen to me and does whatever they want. 

  • There’s no talking to my teen, I only get one word answers or nothing at all!

  • I can’t trust them anymore. 

  • I’m worried they might be getting into serious trouble.

  • I can’t stand the arguing in my home. I’ve given up. There’s nothing I can do anymore. 

Teens Just Want to Be Heard

Teens often struggle to communicate effectively with their parents. 

They want to be heard and validated, but it can be challenging to achieve this at home. Getting a trusted professional involved can allow your teen to work out their problems in a safe environment with sound adult advice. 

Therapy teaches your teen to recognize their problems and begin to solve them, rather than ignoring them or just following the crowd.

Something Must be Done

It is vital to address the problem as soon as you notice something is off with your teen. 

Doing nothing will likely allow the problem to fester. Getting help for your teen can make a world of difference. 

Teens who come to Counseling Works feel better for having come, they start to make changes and their parents feel relieved a professional is intervening. Families are made whole again. Life returns to normal. 

Therapy Builds a Strong Foundation

Therapy helps teens see they can still do the things they want in a responsible way.

Therapy helps teens role play how to express themselves to adults instead of saying nothing or “I don’t know”.  It reduces arguing and improves listening skills. 

Therapy helps teens take action to earn their parent’s trust again and helps parents be open to building back trust. 

Therapy gives teens a strong foundation to become insightful, problem-solving adults who can be assertive with their wants and needs. 

It also provides a forum for parents to communicate with their teen and understand how the parent’s behaviors affect their teens. Through therapy, families can learn to function in a healthy way.

Transformation After Therapy

Imagine your teen:

  • Communicating openly and honestly. No more trying to pull it out of them. 

  • Making safer, healthier choices.

  • Being trustworthy again.

  • Telling you that you finally “get’ what they are saying. 

  • Managing their stress and emotions without taking it out on the family.

  • Building stronger, more positive relationships with family and peers.

  • Becoming a more confident, self-assured young adult.

True Change is Possible

At Counseling Works, we have experience in working with teens and have seen the changes that are possible when a family communicates and learns to function in a healthy way. 

Our therapists are skilled in connecting with teenagers, helping them feel heard, understood, and supported. Our therapists are young and spunky enough to engage your teen but old enough to have the wisdom to guide them. 

With a strong spiritual foundation and decades of counseling experience, we can help your teen thrive.

Reach out today and see what therapy can do for your teen. 

It might be difficult to get started but so is dealing with your teen’s emotions! We have experience in treating teens and have seen the changes that are possible when a family communicates and learns to function in a healthy way.

REACH out today and see what Counseling Works can do for you.