Postpartum Counseling

You don’t feel like yourself.

Pregnancy is supposed to be the happiest time in your life. Having a baby is something that you’ve always looked forward to. So why do you feel unhappy, even sad or worried? You can’t seem to get over the “baby blues” and now you can’t enjoy your baby, the one you looked forward to having. Or you can’t seem to stop worrying about your baby, their safety, their needs and it is starting to be the only thing you can focus on. The anxiety or sadness is becoming overwhelming. Some of you might even be having unwanted thoughts that pop into your mind that you can’t seem to shake. You might feel you have to fake happiness because that is what is expected of you.

You’re not Alone

You’re not alone. A lot of women experience the same types of feelings both during pregnancy and after giving birth. They hope that they will feel better soon, but struggle for months without getting better. Your baby and family are counting on you to be able to function. You might have to return to work and need to be able to do that without this sadness or anxiousness.

Therapy can help

Getting professional counseling can vastly improve, even eliminate these feelings. Change is possible in therapy when you have a trained professional to help you navigate these feelings and figure out what to do. After therapy, our clients report an elimination of symptoms of depression and anxiety postpartum. They tell us they no longer feel hopeless, alone, instead they can connect emotionally with their babies and spouses. They can sleep at night without the constant feeling of dread and worry that used to plague them. They have support in place when they need to talk and when they face new challenges in mothering, they have the confidence needed. They are even ready to face future pregnancies without the fear of symptoms returning. That’s how much therapy helped them!

Therapy can help you too, if you are brave enough to reach out and ask for help. I know it can be difficult to seek help. For some of you it feels like a weakness, telling yourself you “should” be able to get over this alone. It can get vastly better quickly with professional help. Don’t suffer alone. 

Be brave, Ask for Help

Postpartum depression can affect a woman's ability to function in everyday life.

Symptoms include:

• a loss of pleasure or interest in life,

• loss of energy

• problems sleeping, even when your baby is sleeping

• feelings irritable, anxious or worried

• withdrawing from family and friends,

• crying, and for some,

• thoughts of hurting oneself or one’s child

Women can also experience anxiety during pregnancy or afterward.

Postpartum Anxiety Symptoms Include

• Constant worry

• Feeling that something bad is going to happen

• Racing thoughts

• Disturbances of sleep and appetite

• Inability to sit still

• Physical symptoms like dizziness, hot flashes, and nausea

Don’t hide your symptoms. Counseling can help and usually starts working in just a few sessions! It's amazing how much you can feel supported and understood when there is someone who knows how to help. Friends and family are well meaning and can be helpful, but if the symptoms are serious, you'll need to speak to a professional. A great resource for information and support is Postpartum Support International where you can find information, a call center and online support groups.

Reach out today and See What Counseling Works can do for you.