The Problem

What happens after a very scary or painful experience? In trauma, there is an emotional wound or shock to the system, causing stress, sometimes suffering, confusion and damage to a person. Our normal defense mechanisms start to shut down or stop functioning as usual. 

Instead of getting over it, it can change how you feel, think, and act. You might not even realize that the changes are related to the painful experience, until you remember how things were before. Or the memory itself could be the problem, popping up in disturbing ways.

  • Are you struggling with events from the past that plague you?

  • Do you wish you could find your way out of reliving those painful emotions?

The Solution

If you’re experiencing this and your quality of life has suffered, it can be impossible to function healthily. If this sounds like you, you are in the right place. I’d like to welcome you to the start of your journey on the road to relief from your past. By making the choice to seek change you are already improving your position for the future and setting yourself up for success. It can be easier than you think if you have the right guide.

6 Steps to Emotional Freedom After Trauma

How do you get “Unstuck” and Free from these Symptoms? 

The 6 Steps to Emotional Freedom is based on proven methods that work. These techniques from EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) are used with people around the world who have experienced trauma and have been found to be successful. EMDR Therapy has been widely studied and has evidence proving its success.

We have the expertise to help you discover the same relief. The goal is to allow you to live free from the burden the trauma. You have already begun to take the first step by reading this. Take the next step by contacting us, so that we can begin your journey to healing and hope.

In therapy, we’ll take these 6 steps to free you from the burden of a traumatic past so you can live a joyful life free of reliving painful memories.

Step 01: Get the full picture.

This is your opportunity to discuss your history, determine what events are impacting your life today as well as exactly how they are affecting you. 

Step 02: Decide our strategy as a team.

Together we will discuss the types of therapies that are available and how they could work for you. We will discuss the process, the potential length of treatment and what outcomes you can expect. It is important that you are well informed and give input so that you get the most benefit out of your therapy.

Step 03: Gear up.

Each of us has strengths and character traits that we have drawn upon to get us through tough times. It is vital that we both identify and fortify these. This is especially true when someone has experienced a life changing event. We will identify what those strengths are and maximize your potential to use them.

Step 04: Ready, set, go!

Here we work together to help you stop replaying negative memories over and over. We “jump start” your brain into reprocessing memories in a new way, ending the effects of trauma. This may include EMDR Therapy or other techniques.

Step 05: Out with the old, in with the new.

At this point in therapy, you will learn to banish negative thoughts and replace them with positive, healthy ones. We will work to discover new ways to look at old beliefs that held you hostage in the past.

Step 06: Rewrite your ending.

It is possible to find relief from trauma and hope for a new future. Free of the past, you’ll discover what life can be like with a new ending. In session, you will experience the positive feelings that come from identifying what your new ending could be. Although it takes hard work to achieve, as your therapist, we’re here to support and guide you. 

We have seen amazing changes in suffering people who never thought they could get over a traumatic memory. Clients see change in themselves by being able to talk about traumatic events without becoming emotional, recognizing they are not to blame for the trauma, feeling free from the heaviness of the trauma.

Clients State

  • “I don’t know why it no longer bothers me, it just doesn’t anymore.”

  • “I can look at the situation differently. 

  • “I wasn’t able to feel this way about it before.”, 

  • “I feel hopeful for the first time.”

EMDR Therapy is unique in that it doesn’t require clients to share every painful detail of their trauma. The client can share as much or as little as they want to. The important part is that the client is thinking of the memory in whatever way shows up. The therapy works by the brain processing the memories differently than it did the first time. Since the therapist provides a framework and safe space for this, the client literally can’t mess it up. Learn about one such client in the book Jennifer contributed to: Limitless Possibilities: Stories of Hope and Change

Don’t wait another minute.

Contact us today to make your appointment at (561) 320-2104 or by email at