Trauma Therapy In Palm Springs

When you are hurting, it feels like you are in a state of desperation.

The pain you are going through has truly wrecked your life.

You have come to your wits end, seeking help for what seems unfixable to them. 

You can’t seem to stop thinking about your trauma and believe it will never go away.

You know you must deal with it but don’t know how or who to ask for help.

You have thoughts like:

  • I used to be normal, able to do what I needed to, but now, I can’t seem to do anything.

  • I can’t watch my kids with the same care and period.

  • I can’t tolerate being at work anymore.

  • I’m short with my spouse and my children.

  • I don’t want to talk to my friends or anyone anymore.

  • I don’t like going out or seeing people anymore.

  • I feel numb, disconnected.

So much is at Stake.

You might be the glue of your family or the one that everyone relies upon but now you’re falling apart. If you don’t figure something out your family and friends will suffer the consequences alongside you. How long can you be impatient with your spouse or your kids? How long can you suffer with panic and anxiety before someone notices? 

You must get better and get over this trauma so you can get back to feeling like yourself again. If you don’t, you’ll lose yourself and the trauma wins.

That’s what we’re here for. We’re here to help.

Healing is possible and even likely if you have the right guide. Being experts in treating trauma, we help you find the roadmap to healing.

Therapy can get to the root cause of your trauma.

We focus right on the source of the problem, the trauma memories, and guide you on how to break the emotions from the memory itself. 

We help you to process these memories in a safe space so you can truly release them

We will help you achieve healing, not just talk endlessly about what happened with no resolution.

And as your trauma fades, the symptoms you were experiencing from anxiety, depression, insomnia, those fade away on their own.

No one can steal healing away from you 

Once you’ve achieved a transformation, that transformation stays with you, and it can happen for you like we have seen it happen for so many others.

After therapy, our clients talking about:

  • Feelings of optimism, with a new understanding of how the trauma has impacted them.

  • They describe learning more about themselves than they ever knew before. 

  • Lightbulb moments, where everything shifts for our clients, allowing them to think differently about their trauma and no longer feel stuck in their past. 

  • Feeling able to connect with their friends and loved ones after therapy, being able to look forward to their future.

  • Panic attacks and nightmares stopping

  • Clients no longer avoid certain people or places that trigger memories. They finally feel equipped to handle these things effectively. 

Watching clients make these connections and progress is the most rewarding time for us. 

The painful memories become less vivid and are replaced with pictures of being able to face their futures successfully, no longer debilitated. 

At Counseling Works, we specialize in trauma.

We are seasoned therapists who have extensive training and knowledge in trauma specific techniques. We use EMDR Therapy and Internal Family Systems Therapy, both of which are evidence-based therapies that have proven to work.

While it’s a difficult decision to reach out for help, there is a reason you're seeking help now. 

We often hear from our clients how they wish they had started sooner after they’ve seen how effective therapy can be. They actually look forward to each session.

You can have this too. Don’t hesitate, reach out now to see what your transformation will look like.

We're Here to Help You Experience Life Differently. Please Reach Out to us By Using the Button Below & Get Started On Your Journey